12219549_738424442955756_2872978285328060420_nWYTHEVILLE, Va. – Board members of the Appalachian Regional Exposition Center and Wythe County Board of Supervisors will be hosting a joint public meeting on Thursday, March 24 at 6 p.m.

The meeting, which will be held inside the boardroom at the county administrator’s office, will allow members of the public an opportunity to discuss various design technicalities with planners of the future exposition center.

Artie Hall, chairman of the Appalachian Regional Exposition Center said that a representative of the Lane Group, an engineering firm currently employed by the county, will provide a basic site layout plan to the assembled audience and then the event’s attendees will breakout into various groups: equine, livestock, motorsports, concerts and entertainment, etc.

“Each genre of entertainment has its own set of specs for an ideal facility. This meeting will provide those with a background in a wide range of events an opportunity to share their knowledge with site designers and planners,” stated Hall.

Once completed, the Appalachian Regional Exposition Center will boast of an arena capable of seating thousands of individuals and hosting events ranging from rodeos and livestock shows to concerts, sporting events and regional fairs.

Tim Reeves, chairman of the Wythe County Board of Supervisors, joined Hall in encouraging local citizens to come out and offer feedback to site planners.

“There are a countless number of people in our region with expertise in a wide variety of events. We’re calling upon these individuals to come out and share the specifics of their event-types – whether it’s lighting for concerts or wall-height for rodeos, our ears are open.

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